Various conditions, such as joint dysfunction, nerve entrapment, osteoarthritis and flat feet, may cause a person to experience hip and knee pain together. If a person has pain in their hip and knee at the same time, it may interfere with their everyday life. Pain in these joints may be constant or occur only during certain activities, such as walking, running, or sitting for prolonged periods. One of the most common causes of Hip and Knee pain is joint dysfunction leading to osteoarthritis. This occurs when the joints lose their range of motion, and the cartilage begins to wear away leading to destructive boney growth. Cartilage acts as a smooth cushion between bones, allowing them to move smoothly over each other. Symptoms of osteoarthritis may include: · Pain or aching in joints during or after activity. · Joint stiffness, often in the morning or after rest. · Limited range of motion. · Clicking or popping sounds during joint movement. · Swelling around the joints. · Muscle weakn